some albums and stuff I love, as well as some little notes about them :)
no real order, if i had to choose my absolute fave it would take years :P
i only recently started seeing live music but its been so sick
23/11 : otis shanty at tufts applejam
14/11 : destroy boys, choke cherry and daisami at paradise rock club
7/11 : ladybug, the graduates and uma thermos at rat house
26/10 : franki & the fable, merry merry, chance of rain, salty greyhound at panopticon
1. thursday
2. puppy grin
3. shampoo bottles
4. you and your friends
i love peach pit in general, but this album is my favorite :) theyre the perfect mix of melancholic and upbeat
1. sleep in the heat
2. old wounds
3. dvp
4. the coast
god this is such a good album,,, sleep in the heat ranks high over the years
1. how it ends
2. soda can
3. fixing up the back room
very chill and road-trippy album :)
1. groan
2. wet
3. maggot
4. james deen you let us down
best riot grrl album hands down, every song is so unique and enjoyable..
1. should i
2. hooves
3. feel again
4. leash
love her, relate
1. smoke you out
2. vanilla curls
3. amelie
4. freedom
all these songs are so unique and fun :) teddy hyde is awesome
1. should've been me
2. beg for the torture
3. you hear yes
4. shadow
ive been a fan of destroy boys for a while, this album is my favorite overall :) got to see them perform some of these songs live!